SNOW!…..Yup I said it!

Its that time of year again…

Time to deal with the traffic, The people that forget how to drive in the white stuff every year..

But don’t fret, just a few small changes to your daily routine can drastically change the chances you will be late to your destination.

  1. First listen to your weatherman, yes I know here in central Ohio the weathermen are usually wrong, but they do the weather for a reason…
  2. If the chances for snow are high, plan for it, get up early warm up you car and prepare yourself mentally for the stress your about to endure.
  3. If there is a high chance for a lot of snow, call off work, the night before if you can.. ( I know this will not work for a lot of people but its better to be safe at home and not driving through a blizzard ).
  4. If you do go out DRIVE SLOW, or at least slower than you would usually. most winter accidents are from the inability to STOP not go.

Finally remember that the guys out clearing the snow are your friends, give them space. Let them do what they are out for, Make the roads safer for you.
And here is a video of me going a little to fast
